Your Hebrew Journey Begins Here

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Speak Hebrew Like a Native

Ready to really talk the talk?
Jump into my Practically Speaking Hebrew Course for full-on fluency
Or master your pronunciation with the Mini-Course
Write your awesome label here.

Unlock Your Hebrew-Speaking Potential with

Practically Speaking Hebrew

Make your Hebrew-speaking dream a reality with this one-of-a-kind beginner's course designed just for English speakers.

Speak fluently, clearly, and naturally!


  • Don't have enough time
  • Don't think you have what it takes to actually speak Hebrew
  • Don't have anyone to speak Hebrew with
  • Tried learning Hebrew before and didn't get far

I've Got You.

Write your awesome label here.

has helped thousands of English speakers SIMPLIFY the process and practically speak Hebrew
from day 1.

Quanisha Knight, Course Graduate

"I now have the confidence to speak in Hebrew and hone the
conversation skills I learned!"

"I have been interested in learning Hebrew for about two years, since I learned my family used to live in Jerusalem and spoke Hebrew a few generations ago. During my self learning of Hebrew, I struggled with certain aspects of the language. 

The course was absolutely AMAZING! I really looked forward to classes, they were a good size and we were able to download them for listening on the go and print out the PDF with all the vocabulary. Inbal walks your from very beginning to actually speaking in Hebrew and she's there to give you feedback on your speaking skills. If you have any concerns or questions, Inbal will be right there to help you.

What really mattered is that I am enjoying the journey. I liked knowing that it was a structured course and being taught the way Israeli's would say things. I'm literally going through the entire course again. You should definitely take it, you will thank me later! It's worth all your time and money! 

I now have the confidence to speak in Hebrew and hone the conversation skills I learned from this course and to know I would be understood by other Hebrew speakers. I am more motivated to watch and listen to entertainment in Hebrew. I also have gained such a huge understanding of the language and I'm understanding the grammar more and more."


Curious To Peek Inside The Course?

I bet you are - I would be too! 

Click to look inside the course, and get a closer look at the course modules and roadmap. You'll also get a firsthand look at all the tools and lesson materials you'll have at your fingertips. 

Let's Get You Started Today

Dive into the full 7-module experience or start with just a taste of the first pronunciation module. And if you sample and love it, you'll have the option to snag the entire course at its full price.

Get The Full 7-Module Experience For An



Taste-Test the Course With Module 1 Mastering PRONUNCIATION



💡 Stretch Your Investment with Your Credit Card! 💡
While I don't offer payment plans, most credit cards do! Use your card's installment option to dive into Hebrew without stressing your budget.

Why Practically Speaking Hebrew Has Been So Successful For English Speakers Who Never Spoke Hebrew

(Or Have Unsuccessfully Tried To Learn It On Their Own)


Pro-Level Pronunciation
Ready for a game-changer? This module is engineered for the English-speaking brain, tackling accent issues and avoiding the common traps that English speakers fall into. You'll sound so native, locals will do a double-take!


Smoothly Transitioned
English isn't just your first language; it's your stepping stone into Hebrew mastery. Leveraging the similarities and navigating the differences between the two languages, you'll sidestep the usual pitfalls.


Immerse in Real-Life Dialogues
We'll immerse you in everyday dialogues navigating a variety of settings and adapt to different levels of formality. Think casual chats, ordering at restaurants, counting items, and vivid descriptions.


Grasp Hebrew Grammar & Syntax
Simplifying the nuts and bolts of Hebrew, you'll gain a rock-solid foundation that demystifies the 'why' behind the language, empowering you to grasp concepts swiftly and propel your learning journey forward.


Perfect your Speaking Skills
From our first module, you'll practice speaking, and I'll be there to give you personalized feedback. Consider me your Hebrew-speaking fairy godparent, fine-tuning your skills until you're fluent.


Amplify Your Vocabulary
Expand your vocabulary with words that matter, including two go-to sentences for various settings. Become a versatile conversationalist and boost confidence in Hebrew-speaking scenarios.


Unparalleled Support
Stuck on a tricky sentence? Need some clarity on a phrase? I'm literally just a message away. Think of me as your 24/7 Hebrew hotline, making sure you never feel lost in translation.


Your PSP Phonetic System
With my PSP Phonetic System, effortlessly read and write Hebrew using English letters. Even if you don't know the Hebrew alphabet, you can still master speaking like a native!


Get Practical with No-Fluff
Say goodbye to fillers, hello to fluency. only teach what you'll actually use,  making sure every minute you invest moves you closer to becoming a Hebrew-speaking pro.
Susan Eaton, Course Graduate

"I’m not afraid to speak Hebrew anymore"

"Shalom, I’m Susan Eaton. I know a lot of words using Duolingo off and on over the last 5-7 years, but putting together your own sentences are two separate things. I thought maybe I knew too much and I wouldn’t get enough from the class.I started the class and was very pleased I did, I have learned so much that I don’t think I would’ve ever understood if I didn’t take the course.

I’ve grown so much
and I’m so pleased that we can go back over the lessons anytime we want to continue to learn because there is so much in every lesson, you just can’t absorb it all at one time. There’s so much you learn, and Inbal explains all the “whys”. If you understand the “whys” behind things, everything else will fall into place. I always have two different “go to” greeting and responses so I don’t get caught off guard.

The major difference is that Inbal is from Israel. She understands her language and is able to teach her language in a way that is easy to understand and her PSP (Phonetic System for Pronunciation) is awesome. She is an excellent teacher, you don’t get that personal touch anywhere else. She is so encouraging and she makes herself available to any questions you may have.

I’m not afraid to speak Hebrew anymore."

Let's Get You Started Today

Dive into the full 7-module experience or start with just a taste of the first pronunciation module. And if you sample and love it, you'll have the option to snag the entire course at its full price.

Get The Full 7-Module Experience For An



Taste-Test the Course With Module 1 Mastering PRONUNCIATION



💡 Stretch Your Investment with Your Credit Card! 💡
While I don't offer payment plans, most credit cards do! Use your card's installment option to dive into Hebrew without stressing your budget.





Here’s What You Get When You Enroll:

You're not just signing up for a course; you're gaining a full-service toolkit to make Hebrew a natural extension of your life. We’re talking flexibility, clarity, and support that molds to your unique learning journey. So, what's in this treasure trove?

In-Depth Video Lessons
We start from the basics and build up, explaining every detail so clearly you'll think Hebrew and English are cousins!
Vocabulary Guides
Every new word you learn? You've got it written down - in English, Hebrew, and my signature PSP Phonetic System. Plus, a transcript for easy review!
Learn On-the-Go
Whether you're driving, doing chores, or out for a walk, your downloadable audio lessons and listening practices are your new best friends.
Speaking Practice &
Ready to level up? Test your skills, practice what you learn, and get personal feedback to refine your Hebrew like a pro.
Flexible Learning,
Personal Support
Enjoy the freedom to learn at your own pace, anywhere, but never feel alone - I’m always just a message away!
Lifetime Access,
Evergreen Learning
Access the course forever, benefiting from all future updates. Many students retake the course because there’s so much to grasp!

Dive All-In or Sample. You Choose

Dive into the full 7-module experience or start with just a taste of the first pronunciation module. And if you sample and love it, you'll have the option to snag the entire course at its full price.

Get The Full 7-Module Experience For An



Taste-Test the Course With Module 1 Mastering PRONUNCIATION



💡 Stretch Your Investment with Your Credit Card! 💡
While I don't offer payment plans, most credit cards do! Use your card's installment option to dive into Hebrew without stressing your budget.

Practically Speaking Hebrew Is Perfect For You If You Are:

Hungry to converse in Hebrew like a native. Whether you're starting fresh or you've invested time, money, and effort into learning Hebrew before (without enough to show for it), this course is your ticket to real, tangible results.

Not afraid of a little hard work, but want to know your effort will pay off! You want a clear roadmap, a tried-and-true system, and hands-on practice and guidance that leads to speaking with confidence and expanding your language skills further as your journey unfolds.

If you're nodding your head thinking, 'That's me!', here's how this course has got your back:
  • Want to chat in genuine Hebrew with family, friends, or colleagues? You'll get the confidence, insider phrases, and authentic pronunciation tips you need to make meaningful connections.
  • Planning to travel or move to Israel? Step off the plane already tuned in, ready to navigate everyday conversations and dive right into Israeli culture.
  • Looking to deepen your connection with Hebrew or Israeli culture, or seeking spiritual enrichment through the language? Unlock the language's timeless wisdom and insight.

Sound like you? 

Fantastic! You're in just the right spot. Practically Speaking Hebrew offers an unmatched combination of instruction, practice, and ongoing feedback to transform your Hebrew-speaking abilities.

Mia Chasteen, Teacher, Course Graduate

"Complex things were also explained so carefully and step-by-step"

"I’m 56 years old, a teacher myself. I started studying Hebrew on my own.I initially tried Rosetta Stone and it was not only boring but no rules... I later had a teacher who was not a native speaker. 
I came across Inbal on Instagram and was immediately drawn to her sweet personality and I loved her passion.
Inbal is both an excellent teacher and a native speaker!

I am so so very happy I took the course! I
learned so much. I also found it didn’t take up too much of my time. It was great to learn the differences in the pronunciation of certain consonants in Hebrew versus those in English. I l
oved learning the colloquial ways to say things too! Complex things were also explained so carefully and step-by-step that they were way easy to understand! 

You MUST do Practically Speaking Hebrew by Inbal.
 You will learn so much in a fun easy-to-understand way!! Press that button now and join :)"

Ready To Speak Hebrew Like A Local?

Dive into the full 7-module experience or start with just a taste of the first pronunciation module. And if you sample and love it, you'll have the option to snag the entire course at its full price.

Get The Full 7-Module Experience For An



Taste-Test the Course With Module 1 Mastering PRONUNCIATION



💡 Stretch Your Investment with Your Credit Card! 💡
While I don't offer payment plans, most credit cards do! Use your card's installment option to dive into Hebrew without stressing your budget.

Questions Past Students Asked Before Claiming Their Spot

Once I sign up, when does the course start? And is there a set timeline I should follow?

The moment you enroll, you're all set to kickstart your Hebrew journey - no waiting needed. You set your own pace. Feel like sprinting through the 7 modules? You do you! Need a more relaxed pace? That's cool - you've got lifetime access to all the course materials. Just remember, I'm always here to back you up whenever you need support.

What level of Hebrew is the course for?

This course is designed for complete beginners and for those who want a fresh start in conversational Hebrew. You can start from zero - no need to know a single word or letter in Hebrew. By the end, you'll be amazed at how confident and skilled you've become in speaking Hebrew!

Does the course include speaking Hebrew in practice?

You bet! The course is structured to give you ample opportunities to practice speaking Hebrew. Not only will you apply what you've learned in the lessons, but you'll also get my personalized feedback to help you finesse your skills.
Tech headaches? Forget about it. All you need is a device with an internal mic - like a smartphone or computer - to record yourself right inside the course platform which I will guide you through before your first time.
Speaking practice isn't just a bonus; it's a cornerstone of this course designed to build your confidence and fluency for real-world conversations.

Do I need to read and write in Hebrew to get the most out of this course?

Don't sweat it! You don't need to know a single Hebrew letter to dive into this course. I've got you covered with my unique PSP Phonetic System, which allows you to read Hebrew words using familiar English letters. This way, you can focus on speaking right off the bat.

And hey, if you do know some Hebrew writing, you'll find materials in Hebrew letters and Nikud vowel signs to deepen your skills. So whether you're a total beginner or a bit more advanced, there's something here for you.

Can this course help me communicate effectively with Israelis?

Yes, absolutely! This program zeroes in on the practical side of speaking Hebrew, especially with Israelis in mind. From casual chit-chat to expressing your emotions, you'll learn the phrases and expressions you'll actually use. By the end, you won't just understand the language; you'll know how to connect with Israelis in everyday life, building relationships that go beyond the language barrier.

Are there any additional books or materials I need to buy for this course?

Nope, no extra purchases necessary! Everything you'll need is tucked neatly inside the course. Just bring your enthusiasm and you're good to go!

Does this course focus exclusively on modern Hebrew, or does it also touch on biblical Hebrew?

Great question! The focus of Practically Speaking Hebrew is on modern Hebrew - the language spoken in Israel today. While we won't dive into biblical Hebrew, you'll find that some of the vocabulary and concepts we cover can also be applied to understanding it. So yes, primarily modern but with some timeless touches.

What's the investment for joining Practically Speaking Hebrew?

Great question! For a one-time payment of $597, you get the whole shebang - every single course material, lifetime access to the course including all future updates, personalized feedback on your speaking practice exercises, and my unwavering support and guidance for life.
Interested but want to dip your toes first? No worries! You can sample the first module on pronunciation for just $57. If you love it and want to go all in - which I'm confident you will - you can opt for the complete course for the full price.

How many hours a week should I block out for this course?

Fantastic question! This really depends on your lifestyle and how quickly you want to progress. I recommend setting aside 1-2 hours a week to dive into the video lessons. Then, plan for an additional 1-4 hours for going through other course materials including your listening and speaking practice.
Feeling a time crunch? No stress at all. You can work on it at a pace that feels right for you. Plus, you have lifetime access to the course, which means you can always circle back and polish up your skills whenever you have the time.
The bottom line is that learning Hebrew is a journey. It requires a sprinkle of effort, a dash of time, and a whole lot of enthusiasm - but don't worry, I've got your back every step of the way!

Does the course cover reading and writing too, or is it just speaking?

Ah, you're covering all your bases - love it! This course is laser-focused on boosting your conversational Hebrew skills. Reading and writing aren't part of this particular program. That said, all Hebrew words in the course will be displayed in Hebrew letters as well, so if you're already versed in reading and writing, you'll have a chance to brush up.
If you're itching to get fluent in reading and writing Hebrew, I've got you covered there too, outside the course. You can complete your skills with my Hebrew 1, 2, 3 written resources. Just click here to order locally, and then you can bring those skills right back into this course!

What's the return policy if the course isn't what I expected?

I totally get it - investing in a course is a big commitment, and you want to make sure it's the right fit. Here's the deal: all sales are final since you get full access to all the materials as soon as you enroll. However, life happens. If you purchased but never even logged into your course hub due to unforeseen circumstances, shoot me an email and we'll see what we can sort out. Just remember, I'm a one-woman show, so please read all the details and ask me anything you're unsure about before joining.
And if you're on the fence, guess what? You have the option to sample the first module of the course. This way, you can get a taste of what's in store before you decide to go all in. Just another way for you to be confident that this course is the perfect fit for you.

Will I see you teaching on video in this course?

Great question! The focus of this course is on the content and the methods to get you speaking Hebrew as quickly and efficiently as possible. The video lessons are designed to maximize your learning, so they're visual and audio but don't feature me on camera. Trust me, this method helps keep your attention where it matters most - on mastering conversational Hebrew.

How long will I have access to the course content?

Ah, you're going to absolutely love this! Once you're enrolled, you don't just get the course as it stands today. You get lifetime access to ALL the course content, including any future updates. Yep, you read that right! As the course evolves, you won't miss out on a thing. Plus, my lifetime support and guidance are part of the package. So whether you revisit the lessons next month, next year, or even later, you're covered. It's like having a constantly updated Hebrew learning library plus a personal support system all at your fingertips! How amazing is that?

What if I have questions or don't understand something?

I totally get it - learning a new language can be a roller coaster. But here's the good news: You're never alone on this ride! Got a burning question? Stuck on a specific lesson? No worries! I'm just a message away through our direct communication channel within the course. So, no more holding back those questions, okay? Your support system is rock-solid. You and I, we're in this together!

I am only as good as my students

I have had lots of teachers and one thing I’m sure is that you are an excellent one! Your use of graphs, colors, videos… your patience and being 100% into this and your students is remarkable.
I love that you break all the syllables up and then run the word together. It sounds very different. This was always a challenge for me when I moved to Israel. But I learn and I love it!
Please let me say how much I appreciate your books, your work and your effort in making me (and others) learn Hebrew! I can feel it comes from your heart and this cannot be appreciated enough, I really love that.